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Toni Hains Research Award

The Toni Hains Research Award is annually bestowed upon the PNSA making a significant contribution to published work.  Founded in 2017, this award was first presented to Toni Hains for her research articles focusing on the usage, significance, and importance of the PNSA role across Australia. Research articles authored and co-authored by Toni Hains have been integral in promoting and advancing the role of the PNSA in the Australian health care settings.  

Making a Nomination

To be eligible to nominate a candidate you must be a practicing PNSA and member of the Australian Association of Nurse Surgical Assistants (AANSA).


The candidate nominated must also be a practicing PNSA and member of the AANSA.  

Selection Criteria

The successful nominee will have:

  • Research that contributes to nursing literature;
  • A focus on PNSA activities, contributions, experiences, or involvement in health care provision is ideal,
  • Acceptance by or publication in an Australian or international nursing or healthcare journal


A Toni Hains Research Award committee will meet to assess applications.  

  • Applications will be judged on the Selection Criteria
  • The application with the most significant contribution as judged by the committee will be selected
  • The committees decision will be final

Nomination Form

Nomination forms can be downloaded below. Scanned forms can be returned via email to