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New AANSA Executive Announced

The AANSA AGM held on Sydney on Saturday 13th September gave the current executive some well earned rest with the voting in of a new executive committee to lead the association over the next year.  I am pleased to announce the following new committee members and congratulate them on their new positions and welcome back those members who have committed to another two years of service to the association and its members.

Congratulations to the following;

President: Lloyd Dodds

Vice President: Leonie Ballantyne

Secretary: Shirley Lockie

Treasurer: Fiona Howlie

Webmaster/Newsletter Editor/Membership Secretary: Liz Hill

Qld Rep: Josh Paul

NSW Rep: Andrew Lynn

Victorian Rep: Kylie Cross

SA Rep: Natasha Mannion

WA Rep: Allison Brayshaw

Please join me in congratulating these members.